The impact of the digital transformation strategy on the management information systems at Al-Rafidain Bank, Salah Al-Din Branch


  • Osama Musa Farhan, Shrine Ismail Khalil, Maysam Raid Bah Department of Business Administration/College of Administration and Economics/Tikrit University



Today, the world is witnessing a significant acceleration in technology and innovation, significantly influencing how information and administrative processes are managed in organizations. Transforming traditional processes into digital MIS is essential to achieve flexibility, efficiency, and competitiveness in today's market. In this context, a digital transformation strategy in management information systems aims to improve the use of modern technology and digital transformation to achieve the organization’s goals better and more effectively. This strategy includes a set of steps and objectives that must be implemented in an integrated and organized manner. One of the most important aspects of a digital transformation strategy is developing management information systems to handle large amounts of data and analyze it quickly and accurately. This relies on advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and extensive analysis to achieve predictions and use innovative data. In addition, the digital transformation strategy also includes better organizing administrative processes with operations management systems, cloud technology, and electronic collaboration. This contributes to improving information flow and team communication and enhancing the effectiveness of internal processes. The MIS digital transformation strategy is also an opportunity to enhance customer communication and improve their experience across online platforms and social media. Machine learning techniques can also better understand customer needs and provide customized services.




How to Cite

The impact of the digital transformation strategy on the management information systems at Al-Rafidain Bank, Salah Al-Din Branch. (2023). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 2(5).