Utilizing low-intensity interval training exercises to enhance certain physical and skill variables for basketball players aged 14-16


  • Auday Mahmoud Zahmer Tikrit University




This study aimed to investigate differences in pre-test and post-test results for the experimental group regarding specific physical and skill variables among basketball players aged 14–16. Additionally, it sought to identify disparities in post-test outcomes between the experimental and control groups within the same age range. The researchers hypothesized the presence of statistically significant variances between pre-test and post-test results for the experimental group across certain physical and skill variables among basketball players aged 14–16. Furthermore, they anticipated statistically significant discrepancies in post-test results between the experimental and control groups within the same age bracket. Employing an experimental approach suited to the research's objectives, the study's population comprised junior players from Kirkuk province, totaling 85 individuals representing 6 sports clubs. The research sample was intentionally drawn from Sulaf Sports Club, encompassing 18 players. Following the exclusion of two players involved in the pilot study, the final sample consisted of 16 players, constituting 18.82% of the original population. These participants were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups, each comprising 8 players. The experimental group underwent network training exercises developed by the researchers, whereas the control group adhered to the coach's conventional training method. The network training exercises were integrated into the primary segment of the training regimen, with a frequency of 3 units per week over an 8-week period.




How to Cite

Utilizing low-intensity interval training exercises to enhance certain physical and skill variables for basketball players aged 14-16. (2024). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.33687/jhssr.003.01.000314