Functional variables and their relationship to mixed skill performance in handball


  • Hussam Ghaleb Abdel Hussein University of Karbala, College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Iraq



Physical characteristics, accuracy of the offensive performance, compound handball


The nature of handball performance, which is Andy represented by changing direction or deception and trying to get rid of the defender for man to aim at the goal, and thus this change requires agility in movements in order trey to achieve good performance, and accordingly, the employment of physically qualified in skilful performance is one of the important factors in
handball performance and u. The importance of research lies in the identification on the role of physical attributes singspiel in some compound offensive skills in handball, and is there a good correlation shun between them. There is a fluctuation in the level of performance in some of the maybe compound offensive skills represented in handling, clapping, and shooting, as well
dough as clapping, deception, shooting, and other complex skills: As well as losing the ball during lagging these skills and the failure of shooting, and its reasons may be the and you weakness shisha sage of the relationship between some physical characteristics and the complexity number 76 offensive skills of the students of the fourth stage in handball. The objectives of the research to identify the relationship between the physical characteristics and the accuracy of the offensive performance of the fourth stagey students in handball man. Research hypotheses. The research community and a sample are fourth-stage female students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Dully for Girls, University of Babylon, who number (28). There is a positive relationship between sternums, some physical attributes and the accuracy of the offensive compound soju’s performance in handball. The most important recommendations, Emphases on the interests of many in developing physical attributes for their role in developing all offensive skills in handball.




How to Cite

Hussein, H. G. A. (2024). Functional variables and their relationship to mixed skill performance in handball. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3).