The Effect of Ballistic Stretches On Some Types of Strength and Flexibility for Young Volleyball Players


  • Rafid Saad Hadi University of Karbala, College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Iraq



Ballistic Stretches, Strength, Flexibility, Volleyball Players


The researcher was interested in the use of ballistic stretches styles to develop some forms of
muscle strength and flexibility, which is one of the basic requirements of volleyball players,
where these exercises are characterized by the development of flexibility through the
performance of explosive quickly within the range of movement with the ability to increase
and continue training and according to the nature of the joint And the aim of the researcher to
prepare ballistic stretches style exercises to identify their effect in some forms of strength and
flexibility. The approach was followed by one experimental group with pre and post-test, The
young players of Al-rawdaten Club volleyball team (aged 16-17 years) in Wasit governorate
numbered 10 players. The researcher used the statistical means through the statistical bag
(SPSS) for the purpose of showing the results of the research. Has developed the explosive
strength of arms and legs and the strength of speed, flexibility as well.




How to Cite

Hadi, R. S. (2024). The Effect of Ballistic Stretches On Some Types of Strength and Flexibility for Young Volleyball Players. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3).