The Effect of Compound Exercises Using Compressive Training Method on Some Basic Skills and Maximum Anaerobic Power in Female Futsal Players


  • Atef Abdulkhaleq Al-Agha, Abdullah Mohammed Tiawi, Qusay Ali Mahmoud Jalil Tikrit University


Compound exercises, pressurized training method, basic skills, maximum anaerobic capacity


The research aims to identify the impact of compound exercises using a pressurized training method on some basic skills and maximum anaerobic capacity for indoor soccer female players. The researchers used the experimental method for its suitability to the nature of the research. The research community consisted of women's clubs in Kirkuk province, totaling (4) clubs for the sports season (2021-2022). The research sample was the North Gas Club, consisting of (14) players selected intentionally and randomly divided into two groups (control and experimental) with (6) players for each group, and (2) players were chosen for pilot experiments. Homogeneity was ensured in variables (height, mass, chronological age, training age) and equivalence between the two research groups in basic skills, physical abilities, and maximum anaerobic capacity. The experimental design with pre- and post-tests for both the control and experimental groups was adopted. The researchers used (mean, standard deviation, skewness coefficient, T-test for paired samples, T-test for independent samples). The researchers concluded that the compound exercises using the pressurized training method implemented by the experimental group resulted in a noticeable improvement in all basic skills and maximum anaerobic capacity. The control group also showed improvement in some basic skills and maximum anaerobic capacity.




How to Cite

Agha, A. A. A.-A. ,Tiawi A. M. ,Jalil Q. A. M. (2024). The Effect of Compound Exercises Using Compressive Training Method on Some Basic Skills and Maximum Anaerobic Power in Female Futsal Players. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3). Retrieved from