The impact of adopting International Financial Reporting Standard No. 8 in the operating sector on profit management in Iraqi commercial banks


  • Mohammed Muzher Mahdi Aldoury Tikrit University



This research aims to identify the impact of adopting International Financial Reporting Standard: 8 (Disclosure, Measurement and Conformities) in the operational sector on profit management in Iraqi commercial banks. A questionnaire was developed for the purpose of collecting and analyzing primary data, and it was distributed to the study sample consisting of (73 (A member of the financial and accounting managers and heads of the internal audit department. To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive and analytical approach was relied upon.

The most important result was reached, which is that there is an adverse effect of applying International Financial Reporting Standard No. (8): Operating Sectors with all its requirements (disclosure requirements, measurement requirements, reconciliation requirements) on profit management in Iraqi commercial banks. The higher the level of application, the more this contributes. In reducing earnings management.

The researcher's most important recommendation is: the need to reduce differences in results in accordance with international financial reporting standards




How to Cite

Aldoury, M. M. M. (2024). The impact of adopting International Financial Reporting Standard No. 8 in the operating sector on profit management in Iraqi commercial banks. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3).