Cognitive structures among middle school students


  • Hind Rami Hantoush ,Nabil Abdel Aziz Abdulkarim Al-Badri Tikrit University



The current research aims to identify 1 - the maladaptive cognitive structures of middle school students. 2,Statistically significant differences in non-adaptive cognitive structures according to the gender variable (males - females) .  Statistically significant differences in non-adaptive cognitive structures according to the specialization variable (scientific Humanitarian). To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher prepared a measure of maladaptive cognitive structures consisting of: items. The researcher applied the tool to the research sample that was chosen randomly and consisted of(40) male and female students from the preparatory stage(300). The results of the research showed that the students of the preparatory stage Preparatory school and their critical age stage, which is characterized by rapid physical growth and changes Due to the abundance of derivatives around them, they appeared to have non-adaptive cognitive structures. Although male and female preparatory school students received the same and similar experiences, no difference appeared between them in their cognitive structures Non-adaptive, and there appeared a difference in specialization in favor of scientific specialization.




How to Cite

Hantoush, H. R. ,AlBadri N. A. (2024). Cognitive structures among middle school students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3).