Cognitive Style (Risk-Taking – Caution) Among Graduate Students


  • Athar Ayad shaker Al_Obaidi, Nabil Abdel Aziz Abdulkarim Al-Badri Tikrit University


The current research aims to identify the level of cognitive style (Risk-Taking – Caution) among graduate students, and the statistically significant differences in cognitive style (Risk-Taking – Caution) according to the variable (gender/male – female). Also, the statistically significant differences in cognitive style according to the variable (specialization/scientific – humanities). To achieve the research objectives, the researcher adopted the Al-Rawi (2022) scale, which consists of 23 items, with each item having two points for risk-taking and one point for caution. The researcher extracted the psychometric properties, including discrimination and validity (both logical and apparent validity), while reliability was obtained using the test-retest method and Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The researcher applied the tool to a randomly selected research sample consisting of 300 graduate students, with 150 male and 150 female students from various faculties and departments of Tikrit University. The statistical methods used in the research include Chi-square test, one-sample t-test, independent two-sample t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and Cronbach's alpha equation. The study revealed that graduate students exhibit a high level of psychological skills and cognitive style (Risk-Taking – Caution). Additionally, there are statistically significant differences in the cognitive style (Risk-Taking, Caution) scale according to the variables of gender and specialization.




How to Cite

Al-Obaidi , A. A. ,AlBadri N. A. (2024). Cognitive Style (Risk-Taking – Caution) Among Graduate Students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3). Retrieved from