The effect of the physical education program in improving motor coordination and adaptive behavior for students with mild mental disabilities


  • Abeer Muhammad Nouri Ali Specialist supervision, Babylon education, Babylon, Iraq



Physical education program, motor coordination, adaptive behavior, mental disability


Mental disability has become viewed as a natural human phenomenon that requires dealing with it in a very positive manner. The mentally disabled have also become viewed as human individuals who deserve more care and attention in their upbringing and education so that they have the ability to adapt to the demands of life and make their way to life. The limits permitted by their abilities and energies. Hence the importance of research into developing the motor compatibility of the disabled child in order to develop adaptive behavior for them. Physical education programs at an early stage for the mentally disabled are of particular importance because the child begins to search for himself and the world around him through motor wandering and motor experiences, so what he has learned becomes a basis. Knowledge is based on and built upon. The research was conducted on a sample of students from the Raja Institute for Mental Disability in the city of Hilla. They are students with mild mental disabilities who are capable of learning for the academic year 2023-2024. The number of students was (20) students who were divided into two equal groups. An experimental design with two groups (experimental and control) was used to achieve the research objectives. The researcher used motor compatibility tests represented by the test (running, digital circles, crawling), and the adaptive behavior scale prepared by the American Association for Mental Disability and which was developed in Jordan by Al-Kilani. And Al-Batsh (2000). The researcher concluded the following:

  • The proposed physical education program has a positive effect in developing motor coordination and adaptive behavior in children with mild mental disabilities (who are capable of learning).

Implementing the proposed program for the mentally disabled in addition to preparing special programs for this group, due to its effective impact on developing both motor and cognitive abilities.




How to Cite

Ali, A. M. N. (2024). The effect of the physical education program in improving motor coordination and adaptive behavior for students with mild mental disabilities. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3).