The Impact of Sustainable Human Resource Management in reducing black management Practices


  • Rana Khairuldeen Hameed College of Tourism Science, Mosul University
  • Osama Layth Mohammed Faeq College of Agriculture and Forestry, Mosul University
  • Heba Khaled Bakr College of Tourism Science, Mosul University


The current research focused on understanding the relationship and impact between sustainable human resource management, a relatively new topic in management literature, and black management practices. The research aims to reduce the severity of black management practices that an organization may face. The research was applied at Al Noor College, where the opinions of a sample of managers and instructors were collected. The research posed its main question about whether sustainable human resource management has a significant impact in reducing black management practices. A questionnaire was used as the main tool for collecting data, where 33 questionnaires were distributed and 29 of them were collected for analysis. The SPSS program was used to analyze the data and reach the results. The research reached several conclusions, including the existence of a significant correlation between the research variables, and that sustainable human resource management also has a significant impact in reducing black management practices. Based on this, a number of recommendations were presented, including the need to enhance the dimensions of sustainable human resource management to reduce black management practices or minimize their negative impact on the organization.




How to Cite

Hameed, R. K., Faeq, O. L. M., & Bakr, H. K. (2024). The Impact of Sustainable Human Resource Management in reducing black management Practices. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3). Retrieved from