The impact of the strategy of participatory reading in the acquisition of rhetorical concepts among students of the fifth grade literary and the development of scientific research


  • Maad Salih Fayyadh College of education for humanities sciences, Tikrit University,



The present research aims to identify (the impact of the strategy of participatory reading in the acquisition of rhetorical concepts among students of the fifth grade literary and the development of scientific research). The number of students of the study sample (70) students, distributed to two experimental and control groups (35) students in each group and studied the experimental group students according to the strategy of participatory reading, while the students of the control group studied according to the usual method. The students of the experimental and control groups were rewarded in variables: (ages in months and in the tribal scientific survey scale. The researcher prepared a test of the acquisition of rhetorical concepts consisting of (36) items of multiple choice type, (each concept had three levels of objectives: definition, discrimination, application) and verify the validity and reliability, as well as conducting statistical analyzes of its paragraphs, the researcher also prepared a measure for scientific survey According to the Campbell Scale (1971, Campbell), translated by Ayesh Zaytoun (1996), it may be composed of seven groups and included (36) paragraphs and verified its validity and consistency. (9) Developed a daily teaching plan for the experimental group and the same officer. In accordance with the steps of the strategy of participatory reading and teaching plans of the curriculum. The group of officers according to the usual method. The experiment was applied in the first semester of the academic year (2022-2023). Data were treated statistically using t-test of two independent and interrelated samples. The results showed that the experimental group studied according to the participatory reading strategy was superior to their peers in the control group which was studied in the usual method of testing the acquisition of rhetorical concepts. In the light of the results of the research, the researcher has drawn a number of conclusions, recommendations and proposals.




How to Cite

Fayyadh, M. S. (2024). The impact of the strategy of participatory reading in the acquisition of rhetorical concepts among students of the fifth grade literary and the development of scientific research. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3).