Product thinking and its relationship to academic adaptation at the request of the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences at Tikrit University


  • Ahmed Jasim Mohammed Tikrit University



The study aimed to determine the level of productive thinking and academic adjustment of students of the Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, University of Tikrit and to differentiate between productive thinking and academic adjustment. The treatment was then recommended based on the curriculum. A descriptive comparative exploratory approach was adopted, and the questionnaire was distributed to the study sample of (120) male and female students. The study found that students' creative thinking was associated with an arithmetic mean (4.086) and a high degree, and students' academic adjustment was associated with an arithmetic mean (4.150) and a high degree. The study also found a significant relationship between productive thinking and academic adjustment. The study showed no statistically significant difference between males and females on the productive thinking and academic adjustment scales. The study made many recommendations, such as B. Work on applying modern teaching methods to promote students' creative thinking and improve academic adaptability.                           




How to Cite

Mohammed, A. J. (2024). Product thinking and its relationship to academic adaptation at the request of the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences at Tikrit University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3).