Learning styles among Tikrit University students


  • Ghazwan Ramadan Saleh, Atyaf Saadi Mahmoud Tikrit University




  Identify the level of learning styles among university students, in light of some variables (gender - specialization). The research sample amounted to (300) male and female students from Tikrit University, chosen randomly.  Learning Styles Scale The researchers adopted the scale (Al-Azzawi, 2020), which consisted in its initial form of (44) paragraphs. The apparent validity of the scale was verified by presenting its paragraphs to a group of arbitrators and no paragraph was deleted, as well as extracting the discrimination coefficient and correlation coefficient for the scale paragraphs. Thus, the scale in its final form consisted of (44) paragraphs. The stability of the scale was calculated by the retest method, which reached (0.80) and by the Alpha-Cronbach method, which reached (0.84). The researchers applied the scales to the basic research sample, which consisted of (300) male and female students from Tikrit University in the scientific and humanities specializations. After collecting the information forms, the data were processed statistically using the T-test for one sample and two samples and the Pearson correlation coefficient. The researchers reached the following results: -

  1. 1. The research sample has a high level of learning styles. There are no statistically significant differences in measuring the level of learning styles according to the gender variable
  2. 3. There are no statistically significant differences in measuring the level of learning styles according to the specialization variable

In light of the research results, the researchers put forward a number of recommendations and proposals




How to Cite

Saleh, G. R. M. A. S. (2024). Learning styles among Tikrit University students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3). https://doi.org/10.33687/jhssr.003.03.000366