Hospitality management and its role in hotel organizations through the effective role of human resources management incentive systems operating in hotel organizations


  • Ahmed Talib Mahdi Al-Ahmir Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mission and Cultural Relations Service, Iraq



Hospitality management, hotel organizations, human resources


The hotel is the most important element in the tourism process because if its services are of high quality, it can increase its value and generate revenues that are beneficial to the host country, so hotels also depend on the human resources that provide this service, and the hotel management imposes on its employees. The incentive system can greatly encourage and motivate employees to work in an organized and continuous manner so as to ensure the high level of the hotel and reach the local and international first-class hotels in competition with other hotels.




How to Cite

Hospitality management and its role in hotel organizations through the effective role of human resources management incentive systems operating in hotel organizations. (2023). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 2(4).