Visual vision and its relationship to compulsory motor formation to learn basic skills in rhythmic gymnastics.
The study aims to teach basic skills in rhythmic gymnastics and know how much to benefit from visual vision in learning the motor formation. The gymnastics skills are skills that are easy, aesthetic to see skill and difficult to perform. The problem of research is summarized by poor performance and the lack of interest in visual vision in scrutinizing the details of the movement and its importance in knowing this relationship and whether it has an effect. Researchers imposed a correlation between visual vision and compulsory mobility in learning basic skills for rhythmic gynastrophysics on second-level students at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls/University of Baghdad. The researchers used the descriptive curriculum in the method of correlation. The research sample was 55 students and they were second-level students with some tests measuring visual vision and the compulsory series, which included a set of basic skills in rhythmic gymnastics and conducting the scientific bases of the tests and their application and the main experimental procedures. The researchers concluded that there was a positive relationship between some of the visual vision variables that were performed on the students by starting the compulsory motor formation to learn basic skills in rhythmic gymnastics. It was recommended that attention be paid to visual vision and its use in the performance of other skills and the use of tools.