Performance of compound skills in futsal in terms of psychological endurance for police academy teams in the governorates of the central Euphrates


  • Saif Mahmoud Kambous College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Babylon, Iraq
  • Sana Jabbar Katie College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Babylon, Iraq.



The significance of the research stems from an attempt to determine the psychological endurance of players on police academies teams in the governorates of the central Euphrates, as well as the tactical talents that they possess. Subsequently, to construct an equation to predict the sophisticated skills of futsal in terms of the psychological endurance of the Middle Euphrates Police Academy players, examine the link between these talents and psychological endurance. The research objective was to infer the execution of compound offensive talents using prediction equations based on the psychological endurance of the research sample's players. This contributes to improving the team's overall performance and achieving the best skillful performance, which is what the researcher aspires to and wants to achieve by setting some goals and hypotheses and delving into their studies and knowing the methods of achieving them through research and reasoning. The research objectives were:

1- Preparing the psychological endurance scale for the Police Academy futsal football teams in the Middle Euphrates.

2- Knowing the reality of the combined skills and psychological endurance of police academy players in the central Euphrates governorate.

3- Identifying the correlation between the complex skills and psychological endurance of the police academy teams in the central Euphrates governorate.

As for the research hypotheses, they were:

1- The Middle Euphrates Police Academy teams have good complex skills and psychological endurance.

2- There is a real relationship between futsal skills and the psychological endurance of the police academy teams in the central Euphrates governorate.

This chapter describes how the researcher identified his research community and selected his sample. Middle Euphrates police academy players, numbering 48, make up this sample. Developing the scale in its final form, as well as selecting composite skills and their tests. The research sample will be tested to obtain data that will allow us to verify the current hypotheses.




How to Cite

Performance of compound skills in futsal in terms of psychological endurance for police academy teams in the governorates of the central Euphrates. (2023). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 2(4).