The use of teaching methods for secondary school within the concept of quality and the challenges of the era by social studies teachers


  • Wael Abdul Razzaq Abdul Rahman Tikrit University
  • Rashid Hmydy Jassim Tikrit University



There have been numerous complaints about the education system, especially in the Arab world, including Iraq, highlighting the shortcomings in teaching methods and encouraging critical thinking. Despite ongoing efforts, curricula and assessment methods still rely heavily on rote memorization, leaving students disengaged. The decline in education quality negatively impacts students, families, and society. The introduction of total quality management (TQM) in education aims to modernize and improve teaching and administrative methods. TQM seeks to prepare students to adapt to technological advancements and improve teacher performance. This research focuses on the challenges in applying TQM in secondary education, particularly in social studies, and offers recommendations for overcoming obstacles. The findings reveal that traditional teaching methods dominate, leading to student disengagement. The researcher recommends promoting TQM through training, continuous evaluation, and updating social studies curricula to make them more engaging with illustrations and storytelling.




How to Cite

The use of teaching methods for secondary school within the concept of quality and the challenges of the era by social studies teachers. (2024). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(5).