The execution of increased physical exertion on some antioxidants and blood electrolytes, depict the forcefulness of the biochemical response (to the hormone cortisol) to Levy the state of bore for inexperienced 1500m runners


  • Waleed Ahmed Awad Ministry of Education, General Directorate of Education, Anbar, Iraq



Physical exertion of escalating intensity-Antioxidants - exasperate electrolytes-hormone cortisol-virtue of 1500m


In this exploration, a study was deportment(the effect of increased external endeavor on some antioxidants and rake electrolytes as an indication of the effectiveness of the biochemical answer (to the hormone cortisol) to tax the state of weariness of 1500m young man runners) and the scrutiny tripeace was represented by 1500m youth runners (runners of chosen Iraqi bastinado and act the Iraqi youth litter), the count of(6), and they were selected in a consider way and usage the research mode descriptive and survey process, and the researches unprejudiced was to identify the earnestness on the treadmill until the feeling rate reaches the level of 180 P/D and the strike of physical essay on the variables under ponder. While the research imposed a statistically significant dispute between the concentrations of some antioxidants and rake electrolytes and the duty of the cortisol hormone between the before-and post-trial of 1500m runners, the researcher infer that healing exertion at the target heart rate of 180 Z/D was persuasion by the antioxidants taken by the researcher, represented by ( E and C ) as a ensue of good numbers and organized education at 1500m runners. Physical exertion at a heart charge of 180 V / D was also controlling in reducing disposition electrolytes in yearn-variance runners, which is an unbiased event of physiologic responses to antioxidants due to the practice of verse manege. The researcher commit the embrace of experience and measurements of some antioxidant concentrations and physiologic responses and their party in reducing blood electrolytes ( sodium and potassium), which resulted from the study as indicators to tax the official quality of thirst-distance runners, and also advise the exigency to research through other meditation on the quality of victuals that increases the concentrations of antioxidants C, E), as it configuration a protecting defense system content the thickness in order to uphold amoeba membranes from innocent radicals that appear on athletes during regular school periods .




How to Cite

The execution of increased physical exertion on some antioxidants and blood electrolytes, depict the forcefulness of the biochemical response (to the hormone cortisol) to Levy the state of bore for inexperienced 1500m runners. (2024). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(5).